I know I’m not alone when I say that the pandemic really stirred things up in my home.
Especially emotions.
Virtual school
Loss of social interactions
Lots of togetherness
So many things…
The perfect storm for intense emotions…many of them mine!
I knew I was sharing my icky vibe with my family. I learned this years ago when I had 2 under 2. Yet, here it was again. Another opportunity to dig in deep. Another opportunity for growth.
And, the thing I come back to over and over again is that I HAVE to take the time for vibe care. I believe vibe care is the most important and overlooked aspect of self-care.
I mean, all the pampering in the world is not going to help if I return to the same energetic state as soon as I return home.
The more you practice the better you get. When you are in the habit of regularly moving energy through the body it's easier to raise your vibe more quickly next time you find yourself in a funk.
Vibe-care involves checking in with yourself regularly, discerning what your body is telling you and shifting up and out of overwhelm when you notice you're experiencing it. The more you check in the easier it is to shift out of it before it takes up residence.
The mind-body connection is fascinating and research shows that it plays an important and dynamic role in regulating our physical, mental and emotional well-being. When you take the time for vibe-care regularly you are exercising the "muscle" of emotional regulation.
Our kids are learning how to navigate life by watching us with their little (or big) eyes, ears and hearts. Yes, even your teens. They learn by observing, not by us telling them what to do. When you include vibe-care in your life you are teaching your kids that:
It helps to have a “toolkit” close at hand for those times when you find yourself in a funk. I don’t know about you but when I’m in a funk I sometimes forget that anything brings me joy.
Not to mention that making decisions ahead of time keeps the "decision fatigue" that moms with ADHD are prone to at bay.
That’s why I created the Vibe Care Toolkit. It’s a powerful guide that helps you decide ahead of time what makes you feel good - mind, body and soul.
You can download it here: www.vibecaretoolkit.com
What do you do to manage the energy in your home?
Shine Brightly,
P.S. Have you taken a vision walk yet? It's FREE, easy and will get your body and your life moving toward what you want for yourself, your family and the world. Click the green I'M IN! button below for all the deets.
50% Complete
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